Raoul's View

[스크랩] 신종 국제 금융 사기 메일 조심~!

라 울 선생님 2012. 2. 4. 00:17
볼륨사랑 그 쓸쓸함에 대하여 (양희은) - 윤민수음악을 들으려면원본보기를 클릭해주세요.






답장: 날 좀 살려 줘, 자기야



Dear Anna Uzomo Pprincess From The Dungeon in Hell

지옥에서 온 안나 우조모 공주에게


The Great Raoul Teacher

라울 제국의

In Raoul's English Empire

라울 선생은

Checked Out Already

이미 다 알아봤다오

With One Of My Best Friends, Mr. Jin

, 스페인어과를 졸업한 절친 미스터 진과 함께

Who graduated from Spanish Dept. in my University &

Who is now working as a manager of international police at The Interpol.

현재 인터폴에서 국제 경찰 부장으로 일한다오


Your mailing is already

그대의 메일은 이미 

checked and

found to have been sent to many Koreans already.

많은 한국인들에게 보내졌음이 확인되었다오


And your case like this is under investigation now &

soon you are destined to meet him first before  me.

그리고 그대의 이 같은 경우는 현재 수사 중이며

곧 그대는 나 이전에 친구를 먼저 만날 운명이오.


If you want to be forgiven,

그대가 용서받길 원한다면

you Must send me 3000 Euros into my account first.

내 계좌로 3천 유로를 보내야 하오

3000 Euros means the money that you took from a man

from Korea, having used the same words to him.

 3천 유로는 어느 한국인에게 내게한 것과 똑같은 말을 하며

그대가 갈취해 간 돈이오


I want to tell you why you can't be a perfect thief

within your letter.

그대의 편지 안에서 왜 그대가 완벽한 도둑이 될 수 없는지를 말해주겠소 


The world is too narrow for you to lie

in this time and age, right?

 지금 시대는 거짓말하기에 너무 좁지 않소?


1. I was in the church now when the Reverend father called me and said that the Spain Bank Director Dr Alfonso Leon Lopez wants to speak with me on phone and as i was talking with him  and he told me how much money we are going to pay,


>> More than ten times, I got a call with the number of the CAM bank in Madrid, and you were talking to me on the same number.

10번 이상, 나는 스페인 마드리의 캠 은행에서 전화를 받았고 당신도 그 번호로 내게 전화했으니 다른 곳에 있었다는 위 말은 거짓말이오. 



2. the sum of  for the opening of the non resident account in your names for the issuing of the ATM credit card and he said he has written you about it and i was pleading with him if there is any way he can help me because as my conditions is right now i do not have any single money in hand and how i'm going to race that kind of money now for the fund release and he said there is nothing he can do about it because those fees are to be paid and that they dont have any right to remove money from my late father's account due to the laid down agreement with my late father,


>> If your dead father had known the bank well, the management there can help you out.

죽은 그대의 아비가 은행을 잘 안다면, 거기 경영진이 먼저 도와주려할 것이오.

3. Honey please don't disappoint me for i am totally weak for my present situation here and can't bear it if you disappoint me. I dont have any single money at hand and i feed now by the help of charity and i dont  know whom ever will borrow me as this place is not my country and if you dont help me out from this situation  that i am now then you know i will die here some day and all my late father's wealth will be lost to the Government , I have been in serious prayers for some years now asking Almighty Allah to give me someone who will be honest caring and understanding as you are.


>> You may as well throw yourself into hell as lie all the times. And I hate Muslim. 

그대의 아비가 백억대의 거액을 남겨줬는데 내가 돈 450만원을 수수료로 안주면 못 찾는다는 말 따위나 해대며,

그대가 언제나 거짓을 일삼느니 지옥에 스스로를 내던지는 편이 나을 것이오. 나는 이슬람을 싫어하오.

4. My life changed from the very day i got in contact with you.
Honey i know that the price given to us is much and that you have family to take care of but think about this that with out that money this transfer can not hold and  I am shading tears while writing you this mail now because i dont know what to do. I said woe to those who goes about causing war here and there, War did a lot in my life, I lost all the entire family because of the war in my country. I have never thought to be in this type of condition if not war incident that put me in this situation.
Honey i dont pass a day here without thinking about my beloved parents, Please think about my present situation here that i dont eat when others are eating i dont ever chatting with them,


>> Your pictures show that you are Rich enough

내게 메일 보낸 게 이제 이틀인데 그대의 인생의 무엇이 변했단 말인가? 그대의 화려한 사진에서 그대는 난민같지 않소,

5. I know that you really want to help me to come out from this place but who am i going to leave this my late father's money to which is the only hope i have now which is the only way for us both to have a better life together and forever with the help of the Lords almighty ,Please honey try as much as you can to see if you can get this money and immediately after the transaction you will take all you spent for me How ever the money belongs to me but to you too as far we are one now,


>> The time gap  between the Real civil war and Your Own civil war is quite different. 

그대의 나라에서 진짜 있었던 내전과 그대만의 내전은 시간 차이가 너무 크구려.
6. Honey i am ready to do what you want me to see that this money is transferred to your account since you the only one that i trusted.

Honey i am crying while writing this mail and want you to clear the tears from my eyes. My happiness will come when you help me and i will never leave till you help me, Please remember that i have been in this situation for years, Just imagine a youg woman of my type being in this condition, Please remember me for i really want to meet you to spend the rest of my life with you and will not like to miss you, Please honey help me for i am weak. I have to stop here while awaiting for your quick response and i hope fully that i am going to hear some good news from you today or tomorrow,meeting you in person is my dream.


>> The voice of Dr. Alfonso Leon Lopez sounded young and

His English was Broken, sounding like Never getting educated.

And your African English voice is not good enough to be accepted by Raoul Taecher.  

해외 송금 담당자 알퐁소 레옹 로페즈 박사의 목소리는 너무 어리고 영어는 엉망이었소.

영어 교육을 받은 적도 없는 것 처럼. 박사 맞소?


그리고 그대의 아프리카 식 영어 또한 

내가 받아들 일 수 없을만큼 엉망이었소. 공주 맞소? 

7. Ever yours,
Princess Anna Uzomo Rosa roja Rosa roja.


>> You are ever Yours, not Raoul Teacher's.

  The Princess Of The Hell.

You like to cheat many innocent Koreans,

thinking that Koreans are Naive and Easy to make fun of.


그대는 그대 자신의 것이지 라울 선생님 것이 아니오.

그대는 수많은 순진한 한국인들을 속이길 좋아하오.

한국인들은 다 순진하고 놀리기 쉬운 것처럼



But This Time, my Clever Friend,

그러나 이번에, 똑똑한 친구야


The Disaster Will Be Yours~!

재앙이 그대의 것이 될 것이야~!


from Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny

샤그니가의 라 울 백작이 


The Real Descendant

Of The First Great King, Park, Hyok-go Se,

From Shila Empire in Korean Peninsula.

한반도 신라 제국의 첫번째 대왕

박혁거세의 실제 후손 씀



 P.S.1. Remember That You Shall Be Forgiven

Provided That You Transfer 3000 Euros-

The Money You Took Illegally -

To my account in South Korea.

추신1 - 불법으로 강취한 3000 유로를 내 계좌로 보내야 용서가 될 것이오.


P.S.2. Belows are your letters to other men.

추신2- 아래는 다른 이들에게 보낸 그대의 편지들이오





My Dearest One,
I am more than happy in your urgent mail to my email.How was your day today?.Mine a little cold over here in Dakar Senegal.My name is Stella fred single and never married, i am from Rwanda in Central Africa and presently i am residing in the camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago.
My late father Dr Fred Mories was chairman managing  director ( Fred  INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD) in KIGALI the capital of my Country,and he was also the personal adviser to our former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed him  with my mother in cold blood.
It's only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to a West African country Senegal where i am living now as a refugee.I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.Attached here is my picture.Hoping to hear
from you soonest. Yours Forever



저도 비슷한 편지를 받았고, 이런 편지를 받으신분이 몇분 계시더군요..

계속 메일을 주고받다보니 어느순간 자신의 아버지가 자기이름으로 17억을 남겨줬다며

여러 상황을 불쌍하게 말하고는 20%를 줄테니 잠시 맡아 달라고하며 개인정보와 계좌를 묻더군요..

믿을 수 없는 메일입니다.

저도 이에 관한 아무정보가 없고 혹하는 마음에 쓰지않는 계좌를 가르쳐줬지만

여기저기 자세히 알아보니 이런 메일을 받으신분이 많더군요..

그냥 씹어버리세요..

새로 떠오르고 있는 신종 사기같습니다.

2008-04-22 12:52 | 출처 : 본인작성
  • 웃기는알라님 09.08.22

    저도 위와 비슷한 내용의 편지를 받았는데, 정말.. 충격이에요.. 정말 순수한 마음으로 펜팔을 하려고 했는데..ㅠ 댓글 | 신고
  • oogami님 09.02.17

    사기 맞네요! 저도 이거랑 똑같은 메일 이름만 바꿔서 왔음ㅋㅋㅋ 댓글 | 신고

정말 어떻게 말씀 드려야 할지 모르겟네요

르완다의 내전으로 난민이 되신 분 같은데


자신의 안부를 급박하게 찾는 당신의 메일을 보고

좀더 행복해 질수 잇어쑈다고 인사하는 것 부터 해서


presently i am residing in the camp here in Dakar Senegal 라고하여

세네갈의 다카르라는 곳에 난민수용소가 있나 본데, 현재는 이곳에 머무른 다네요


다음 메일에 좀더 자세한 자신의 상황을 알리고

당신의 최근 상황을 듣고 싶다는 것으로 편지가 끝나네요


이 내용은 너무 참혹해요

내전으로 집과 어머니를 잃엇다고 하고


우리는 너무 편한 세상에 있네요

내용이 상당히 참혹해서 자세히 번역은 좀 ㅜ.ㅡ


이 편지를 쓰신  Stella fred 라는 분은

진심어린 위로가 많이 필요하신 것 같네요


내전이라니 ㅠ,ㅠ

르완다에 내전이 잇엇나요 ??


뉴스에 안나오던데 ㅠ,ㅠ


2008-03-06 01:02 | 출처 : 본인작성

저도 최근에 아래와 같은 메일을 받았습니다.

누구 말씀데로 신종 사기가 틀림 없는거 같네요....

모두모두 조심들 하셨음 좋겠네요..


Hello MY dearest,
How are you today?
I believe you are doing fine,i am very happy to receive your mail today
 and am also happy to find a person like you who will take care of me in life .
mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal. like  you  know  that am  residing presently  here in the refugee camp ,  Its just like some one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon. i  don't have any relative now whom i  can go to all my  relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i know here is Rev. andrew kuma;  who is the pastor of the (Christ for all Churches) here in the camp ,  i am leaving in the women's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.

The Pastors Tel number is (00221-777350218) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel. As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.

Please listen to this,i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Europe which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $2.3M(two  Million  three Hundred Thousand Dollars)
So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling doc-uments and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,truthful , truth and hardworking.
My favourite language is English but our language is french but i speak English very fluently.
Have a nice day
Please i am waiting to hear from you soonest.
yours  sincerely  blesing.

2008-07-14 19:45 |

어머어머 ... 저도 진짜 순수한 마음으로 펜팔을 원했는데.... 이런 메일을 받은 분이 한두분이 아니라니

정말 실망이 크네요..사진까지 보내주던데... ㅜㅜ

전 이사람한테 답장 보내려고 영어 사전까지 뒤져가면서 한시간 반동안 답장 썼는데 진짜 실망이네요.. ㅜㅜ

흑.. ㅜㅜ

이럴수가 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

저한텐 이렇게 길게 오더라구요 ..


Good Morning Dear;


Thanks for your mail. I was happy to read your email, before i say more about my situation to you, i will like to introduce myself to you more again and also explain about my family to you. My name is Princess Tasha I am 25 years old .I am a citizen of Liberian I am the only daughter of Dr Anthony Marshall also I am living under United Nations Refugee Camp here in Dakar Senegal at this present time.
My parents died when i was still very young during crisis in our country Liberia. Since after the death of my late parents life have not been easy for me but i have been managing my self with all i can and come over to this Dakar Senegal where am living presently under United Nations Refugee Camp.
I will be very happy if you can really stand for me with your heart to come over to continue a new better life there in your country and also forward my education in one of very good university there in your country because since i lost my parents i have no one to help me .Why am saying all this to you is because i really want to tell you more about my self and also the problem which i have at this present time if you can assist me to come out of my situation with honest so that i can come over to continue living with you.
When my father was still alive , he told me about this fund sum of 7.5 000 000 Million United States Dollars he deposited at the CAJA  DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO in MADRID SPAIN and also he gave me the doc-uments which he used to deposit the fund at the CAJA  DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO when he was still alive.

Since when my parents died i did not know what to do because there was no one help me so i decided to seek asylum here in Dakar Senegal to seek for a reliable partner who will help me claim my fund from the CAJA  DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO MADRID SPAIN with the legal doc-uments which my late father used to deposit the total fund in MADRID SPAIN.
In this regards i have contacted the bank and also submitted the doc-uments and they told me that my fund was deposited with agreement between my late father and their bank under FIXED DEPOSIT ACCOUNT and they told me that my fund can not be accessed until is transferred to a foreign bank account in a foreign country.

Then things became more worst for me because of the way i ran out of our country to this Dakar Senegal. My late father did all this because of the crisis in our country Liberia as he wanted to make a foreign investment in another country for the future use of our family before their death during the crisis in our country 
i need a reliable partner who is trust worthy to help me receive my fund from CAJA  DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO MADRID SPAIN on my behalf as my foreign partner because my late father deposited the total fund in a fixed deposit account and the CAJA  DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO officials said that before their bank will transferred ,

That i will have to seek for a foreign partner who will help me stand on my behalf because my late father made agreement with their bank before he deposited the total fund in their bank that the total fund will be transferred to a foreign country for investment.
That was why i saw your profile and decided to contact you and explain to you  if you will help me stand as my foreign partner who will help me to receive the total fund from the bank where my late father deposited the total fund before he died  into your own bank account in your country and the bank will start the arrangement so that i will start coming over to meet you in your country to start a new better life and also continue my studies in one of very good university there in your country and also you will help me to make a very good investment with the total fund after settling you for helping me stand as my foreign partner when i come over to meet you in your country.
I  really need some one who is reliable and also trust worthy to help me receive my deposited fund because i do not want anything to happen to the fund because is the only thing my late parents left for me before their death. Dear Sir if you accept to help me, try to fill the form below so that i can summit the information's to the CAJA  DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO Madrid Spain and the bank will approve you and also nominate you as my foreign partner in their bank.
1 Your Full Name.......................................
3.Your Age ........................................
4.Your Sex........................................
5.Marital Status...................................
6.Your Occupation...............................
7.Your Home And Office Address.................
8.Your Telephone And Fax Number....................... 
9.Your Photo................................


I will send you the contact information's of the bank so that you will make inquires and also send you the doc-uments my late father used depositing the total fund at the Spanish bank CAJA  DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO and after that i will discuss with the bank on how they will transfer my fund to your bank account.
I have attached my picture to you.Please i will be waiting for your reply so that i will know if you can assist me for my coming out of this my present situation to you over there in your country. Please if you want to speak with me on phone you can call me through our Reverend father Phone Number +221 ;772870363 when you call tell him you want to speak with Miss Princess Tasha Marshall the girl in camp 2C he will send a message for me to come and answer your call,
From Yours Sincerely,
Princess Tasha Marshall,

2011-05-21 01:00 | 출처 : 본인작성

crity(suji*******) |

100% 국제 사기입니다. 저한테도 어느날 알지못하는 이름으로 메일이 왔는데,

님께 보낸 내용과 동일한 스토리 입니다.

제게 온 메일에는 그의이름은 프린세스 안나 우조모 라는 이름이었고,

자기의 아버지는 리베리아 의 이전 대통령의 측근으로서 개인적인 충고까지 해줄수 있는

간부이었으며, 내전 발생이후, 어느날 아침에 반군들이 밀려들어와서, 부모들이 다 죽고난뒤에,

지금의 다카르 (세네갈)에 , 난민 수용소에 있다는 내용 이었습니다.

처음에는 불쌍한 마음에, 메일로 3회정도를 주고받고 했었는데,


저는 비교적 영어에 능통한 편이라서, 어느날 이여자 (처음에는 22살의 여자라면서 사진을 보내주었는데)

가 일러주는 세네갈 (난민 수용소)에 3회를 직접 통화까지 했습니다.

받는 남자는 (그 여자의 말로는 그기서 아버지 같이 돌봐주고 있는 종교지도자 라고 소개 했음),

"프린세스 안나 우조모" 라는 메일을 보냈다는 여자를 바꿔줘서, 직접 이 여자와 통화까지 3번을

했었습니다. 메일의 내용은 완전히 영화의 한장면 이었습니다.

영어로 보내오고, 전해준 내용의 스토리는 번역하면 이렇습니다


리베리아에 오랫동안 내전이 있었고, 당시 대통령의 (지금은 축출되어져서 정권이 바뀜 ) 측근으로서

다이아몬드 회사를 경영하는 아버지는 내란으로 어느날 총에 맞아 죽고,

그뒤 난민 수용소로 가서, 아버지가 유산으로 남긴 105억 (원화로 계산한 금액)이 스페인의 마드리드 은행에

보장성 (수취인 지명 유산) 자금으로 예탁되어 있으며, 이것을 찾아서 공부를 계속하고 싶고,

인생을 걸고 저를 절대적으로 신뢰하므로 이돈을 찾도록 도와달라, 는 내용입니다.


더 나아가서 저는 이여자가 지명하는 스페인 마드리드 은행의 자금송금담당자 라는 알폰소 라는 사람의

사무실로 국제 전화 까지 해보았는데 받질 않더군요,

그여자가 보내준 스페인 마드리드 은행의 예금 담당업무자 주소는 AVENIDA ciudad de barcelona 138

Madrid Spain 이며, 사이트 주소까지 받았기 떄문에, 검색을 해보니까,

제게 보내준 예금증서의 내용과 동일하더군요,


그러면서, 그 105억을 제가 찾을수 있도록 그여자가 스페인 은행에 지명을 해주겠으니,

주민증,라이센스 등을 요구하기에, 운전면허증을 스캔해서 보내주면서 어떻게 나오는지를 보았지요,

기르고 다시 통화를 했는데, 아무리 들어도 그 목소리가 흑인라고는 하지만, 사진에서 보았던 22살의

여자 목소리가 아니라, 중년의 걸걸한 흑인여성 (몸집이 뚱뚱하고 전형적인 중년흑인여성의 목소리)목소리

길레 물어보았지요, 왜 목소리가 안좋아보이냐고요, 답변 은, 너무나 피곤해서라고 하더군요,자기는

밥도 하루에 한끼 밖에 못먹고, 배도 고프고, 이동도 자유롭지 못하고 하다면서요,

그리고는, 긴급으로 신상명세를 (자기가 지명한 스페인의 마드리드 은행이 보네준 서류양식) 적어서

보내달라고 하면서, <비거주자 인증 증명서> 란걸 발급하는데 비용이 원화로 450만원가량이 든다고 하면서

<유니온 국제 자금전환 계좌>로 보내달라고 하더군요,

그래서 다시 , 다카르로 국제전화를 해서 <안나> 라는 여자를 바꿔잘라고 해서 통화를 했지요.

뭐라고 했냐고 하면,

<내가 당신이 지명한 스페인의 은행에 전화를 했는데, 받지를 않더라,

내가 당신의 사정이 너무 딱해서 처라리 ,

그렇게 큰돈은 차라리 내가 스페인 마드리드 은행으로 날아가서, 직접 찾을수 있도록 해주겠다,

그리고, 당신한테 다 넘겨 줄테니까, 대신에 비용은 어떤방법으로 내가 돌려받을수 있는지를

그 은행의 당신이 지명하는 담당자한테, 내가 스페인으로 갔을때 일러두어라,,> 라고요,

암튼`깜쪽같이 속아넘어갈뻔 했습니다

저도 한동안은 , 영화속의 한장면이라고 이 여자한테 말하면서 까지도 세상에 이런일이

있을까? 생각했습니다. 이 문제는 제 개인적인 사기사건이 아닌것 같아서 글을 올립니다

이제부터 주위의 아는사람들한테, <리베리아 난민> <내전으로 인한 100억 유산> <다카르 난민수용소>

등등의 메일이 오면, 영어로 할수 있는 아는 한도내에서의 욕을 해도  될거 같습니다.



세상에 모든 사기는 자기의 욕심에서 출발되는것 같군요,

스스로를 돌아보는 기회가 되길 빌뿐입니다


2011-06-06 00:41 | 출처 : 본인작성


 * 출 처 (excerpts) :   http://k.daum.net/qna/view.html?qid=3TRSv&aid=3Ve27



* Remember, You Lied To Raoul Teacher,

And That Is Under Investigaion Internationally.




 - 아래는 다 가짜이니 속지 마시길 ~! -






정말로 그대가 원하는 것은, 순간적인 사랑으로부터의 일탈이 아니겠는가?

Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny



***  제가 국제사기범에게 보낸 답신 내용은 사실과 다르나 그저 효과적인 대응을 위함이었습니다.

더 이상 귀찮은연락이 안오기만을 바랄 뿐


출처 : 라 울 선생님의 영어 혁명 제국
글쓴이 : 라 울 선생님 원글보기
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