Raoul's View

[스크랩] - 영문법교과서10권을 탈고하며 -

라 울 선생님 2011. 11. 18. 07:11
볼륨Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow - Freddie Mercury음악을 들으려면원본보기를 클릭해주세요.

Dear Members


과거 어느 눈파란 아주머니 교수님 과의 추억에

눈시울이 붉어졌습니다.

원고를 준비하면서

이런 적이 없었는데...


올만에 감상에 빠져보았습니다.

저의 작품은 인터파크에서 검색에 박원길 넣으셔서

eBook누르시든가 아님

작가 파일 두번쨰 것을 보세요


참고로 카페 내 저의 게시물을 중심으로

원고 작업 중이니, 제 글에 손대시면 안되십니다.


라 울 선생님 (박 원 길)



- 10권 말미 --


Sheelagh Conway

<sheelaghconway@yahoo.com> wrote:


Dear Won-gil,


> You have really struggled all your life to get an education and you are to be commended for all you have accomplished.

학생은 일생을 교육을 받으려 투쟁해 왔고, 이제 학생이 이룩한 것으로 칭송받아 마땅합니다.


> You are an inspiration to many working-class people struggling against the odds to dream of a university


학생은 역경을 딛고 대학 교육을 받기를 꿈꾸는 수많은 사회활동을 병행하는 계층에게 하나의 감화를 줄 것입니다.


> I hope one day you will write your story

of how you finally got into university and graduated.

저는 언젠가 학생이 대학에 마침내 입학한 것과 졸업한 이야기를 쓰는 날이 오기를 희망합니다.


> Congratulations on all your hard work and your achievements. You deserve admiration for your heroic efforts.

학생의 열심히 사는 인생과 성취물들을 축하드립니다. 학생은 영웅적인 노력들에 대해 칭송 받을 자격이 충분합니다.


> "Keep persevering and you will be a great success."

 "인내해 나가면, 큰 성공을 이룰 것입니다."


Keep in touch.

또 연락해요.


> Conway Sonsaengnim.

콘웨이 선생님







Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow - Freddie Mercury

You had to kill the conversation
You always had the upper hand
Got caught in love and stepped in sinking sand
You had to go and ruin all our plans
Packed your bags and you're leaving home
Got a one-way ticket and you're all set to go
But we have one more day together, so

Love me like there's no tomorrow
Hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over
But today just love me like there's no tomorrow

I guess we drift alone in separate ways
I don't have all that far to go
God knows I learnt to play the lonely man
I've never felt so low in all my life
We were born to be just losers
So I guess there's a limit on how far we go
But we only have one more day together so

Love me like there's no tomorrow
Hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over
But today just love me like there's no tomorrow

Tomorrow god knows just where I'll be
Tomorrow who knows just what's in store for me
Anything can happen but we only have one more day together, yeah
Just one more day forever, so

Love me like there's no tomorrow
Hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over
But today just love me like there's no tomorrow

가사 출처 : Daum뮤직

출처 : 라 울 선생님의 영어 혁명 제국
글쓴이 : 라 울 선생님 원글보기
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