
[스크랩] Raoul Teacher`s Writing Support {2}

라 울 선생님 2011. 9. 5. 11:55

Statue of Liberty.

자유의 여신상


 We are more familiar symbols of New York.

 우리가 흔히 알고있는 뉴욕의 상징.


>> The symbol of NY that we are familiar with.



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Statue of Liberty is.

 자유의 여신상이다.

>> 생략


The Statue of Liberty in the American South after the war in France to promote friendship between the United States and France Made to the U.S. came from France.

이 자유의 여신상은 미국 남북전쟁후 프랑스에서 미국과 프랑스간의 친목도모를 위해 프랑스에서 만들어 미국으로 건너왔다.


>>After the Civil War ended in the US, The Statue Of Liberty was sent from France to promote the friendship and hapiness between France and USA.






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