Which do you like?
Pepsi was born in 1893.
Pepsi always stayed in second rank because of Coca-cola.
>> because 이하를 because of the popularity of Coca-cola.
But they never win the competition with Coca-cola.
>> Despite many efforts of Pepsi, it could never win Coke.
Suddenly Pepsi's sales are much more than Coca-cola's in 2004.
>> But surprisingly, the sales of Pepsi exceeded Coke in 2004.
A year later, Pepsi finally beat Coca-cola. How Pepsi could win?
>> And in 2005, Pepsi won over Coke. How did it do so?
펩시는 1893년도 새로 나왔다. 펩시는 코크를 이기기 위해 많은 노력을 했다. 하지만 코크를 이길 수 없었다. 그러던 펩시가 2004년부터 코크보다 더 많은 매출액을 달성했다. 그리고 2005년 드디어 코크를 이겼다. 항상 2위였던 펩시가 코크를 어떻게 이겼을까??
First of all, they focused on the taste.
Pepsi contained much less Caffeine than Coca-Cola and even more sugar than Coca-Cola.
In spite of their effort,
>> effort를 efforts로
they couldn't win over Coca-Cola. Actually, there is no great difference between two tastes,
>> 끝부분을 between the two로
but people chose Coke over Pepsi.
So they thought it's not the problem of the taste but design.
>>> they를 the people in Pepsi로, 끝에 of it추가
Pepsi constantly had invented new design of bottle and logo
>> had constantly invented로 수정
to catch up Coca-Cola.
>> catch up with Coke로 수정
However reaction of the public was poorer than their expectation, so they tried again.
>> 처음을 However, the reaction from the public was worse than expected,
In result, Pepsi's design was simpler than before and quantity also was larger than before.
>> AS a result from it, the design of Pepsi got simpler and the amount of the liquid got larger.
The reaction was successful, and Pepsi started to chase Coca-cola.
Also, Pepsi used very unique strategy "Negative Marketing" in advertisement.
"Negative Marketing" is a strategy to use negative aspects of their rival. People were more interested in Pepsi’s unique advertisement and Pepsi grew steadily through this method.
또한 펩시는 코카콜라를 이기기 위해 Negative Marketing 이라는 독특한 전략을 사용했다.
Negative marketing이란 사물의 부정적인 측면을 사용하는 광고이다. 동영상과 지면 광고 등 다양한 전략을 사용하여 펩시는 효과적인 광고를 하였고 펩시는 더욱더 큰 성장을 하였다.
Though those various ways, Pepsi won over Coca-Cola for 30 years.
>> Through the various methods, Peopsi exceeded Coca-cola after thrity yeays of failure to do so.
Now, market share of Coca-Cola's Coke is higher than Pepsi
but total sales of Pepsi are higher than Coca-Cola.
>> but the total sales of Pepsi is higher than Coke.
Coca-Cola and Pepsi are eternal rivals.
>>I think they are eternal competitors.
Consumer not only can choose much better one but also get enjoyment through these competition.
>> 문장 앞에 Thanks to them추가
이처럼 다양한 방법을 통해 펩시는 성장하였고, 결국 코카콜라를 눌렀다 무려 30년에 걸쳐. 현재 콜라의 시장 점유율은 코카콜라가 펩시보다 더 높지만 전체 음료 매출의 경우 펩시가 더 많다. 영원한 라이벌, 코카콜라와 펩시. 이들의 경쟁에 소비자들은 더 좋은 선택을 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 재미까지 같이 얻고 있다.
학생의 영어 실력은 괜찮은 편이나
말의 중복이 심하므로
같은 단어를 다르게 바꾸는 의식적인 노력을 기울이시길
단, 콜라와 펩시의 차이라는 것을 분명히 표현해낼 수 있는
범위 내에야만 하겠습니다.
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